Thursday 14 February 2013

Taking the Pee

Thursday 14th February 2013 This is the complete unexpergated version of todays Tweet.I visited Bentley Woods near Atherstone for a bit of a much needed walk and to see what birds were about. The increase in temperature overnight had caused a hatch of small moths and Goldcrests in particular were feeding feverishly, other birds seen included Great spotted Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Tits, common finches. It wasnt until I stopped to answer the call of nature that I saw one of the birds I'd hoped to see- a Woodcock. A tick for my 'birds Ive seen while having a P list' The bird got up indignantly when it found its favourite bit of habitat being used as a toilet. Cant say I blame it but it gave great views as it rose just 6 feet away. Come to think of it I might have been struggling had it been much further away as I wasn't in a position to use my binoculars.

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